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Telecom Systems

A modern cloud-based communication system allows your employees to move around freely and not feel locked in the office.

Thank You for Choosing
 Ahoy Telecom, LLC

Ahoy Telecom, LLC is a nationwide SIP Trunking Provider and 3CX Platinum Level Partner to the business community. Headquartered in New Jersey, our friendly and local staff provide industry leading customer service and support.

Our services include business telephone systems, SIP trunking, hosted 3CX PBX, UCAAS, telecom consulting, and related services and hardware. Ahoy Telecom owns and operates redundant, geographically dispersed switching facilities which allow non-stop delivery of mission-critical voice services to the public and private sector.

By partnering with Ahoy Telecom, our telecom and data experts allow you to focus on what’s important: your business.

Products & Services

SIP Trunking

3CX Hosted PBX

Yeastar Hosted PBX

3CX Licensing

Fax Over IP

SMS Text Messaging

International Phone Numbers

SMS Marketing Messenger

Teams Direct Routing

A bit of history…

Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, used and recommended the use of  “Ahoy” as the standard telephone greeting before “Hello”, later suggested by Thomas Edison, became the norm? “Ahoy” has been used in the English language since the mid-1700s and extends well beyond its nautical use. Ahoy! We look forward to working with you.

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